Case studies
Construction of flood gate, pumping station and dike wall, Hoopte, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Dwelling mound concept, Hafen City, Hamburg (21st c.)
Τοποθέτηση συρματοκιβωτίων και κατασκευή τοιχείων από οπλισμένο σκυρόδεμα στην περιοχή Ερεσός, Λέσβος, Ελλάδα
Τοποθέτηση συρματοκιβωτίων και κατασκευή τοιχείων από οπλισμένο σκυρόδεμα στην περιοχή περιξ του ποταμού Βούλγαρη, Λέσβος, Ελλάδα
Damming by flood barrier, Wischhafener Süderelbe, Lower Saxony, (20th c.)
Dike construction, Twielenfleth, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Dry-proofing, New York
Hydraulic filling of islands, Tidal Elbe, (20th c.)
Κατασκευή τοιχείων και τοποθέτηση συρματοκιβωτίων στην περιοχή Ταβάρι, Λέσβος, Ελλάδα
Τοποθέτηση συρματοκιβωτίων στην περιοχη Χρούσος , Λέσβος, Ελλάδα
Τοποθέτηση συρματοκιβωτίων και κατασκευή γέφυρας στην περιοχη Ποδαράς , Λέσβος, Ελλάδα
Afforestation, North Rhine-Westphalia
Expansion of Rhinplatte Inseln, Rhinplatte (20th c.)
Re-building of the Bisagno cover, Genoa
Storm tide sluice, Friedrichskoog, Schleswig- Holstein (20th c.)
Vulnerability assessment, Terceira Island
Detention basin, South-East England
Increase capacity of sewer/drainage system, Berlin
Construction of Trischendamms, Friedrichskoog, Schleswig- Holstein, (20th c.)
Adjustment of fairway, Stadersand, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Adjustment of fairway, Lühe, Lower Saxony(20th c.)
Excavations of Schwarztonnensand, Hamburg (20th c.)
Conventional urban drainage systems, Marbella
Construction of the Elbe weir, Geesthacht , Schleswig- Holstein (20th c.)
Aquifer recharge, Paso del Norte, Texas
Construction of dikes and flood barrier, Wedeler Au, Schleswig-Holstein (20th c.)
Construction of flood barrier, Billwerder bay, Hamburg (20th c.)
Redesign of flood protection system, Hamburg (21st c.)
Combination of measures, Saulxures and Pulnoy, Nancy
Hydraulic fillings: Hollerwettern-Scheelenkuhlen, Vorland Glückstadt, Fährmannssand, Hanskalbsand until Neßsand, Hetlinger Schanze, Bützflether Sand, Schwarztonnensand, Pagensand and Giesensand (20th c.)
Tidal Elbe concept, Spadenlander Busch, Kreetsand (21st c.)
Building of 60 polders in the port area (private flood protection), Hamburg (20th c.)
Channel adjustments, Freiburger Watt, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Construction of dike, Groden (Hadeln), Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Construction of pumping station with sluice and two weirs, Kuckuckshorn/Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg (20th c.)
Flood barriers, Nikolaifleet and Herrengrabenfleet, Hamburg (20th c.)
Flood protection system, St. Pauli Fischmarkt, Hamburg (20th c.)
Part backfilling and Port restructuring, Mühlenberger Loch, Hamburg (21st c.)
Relocation of dike, Alte Süderelbe, Hamburg (20th c.)
Relocation of dike, Hahnhöfer Sand, Hamburg (20th c.)
Dam, Hanskalbsand and Neßsand (20th c.)
Construction of lood barrier, Ilmenau, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Smart Flow, Reiderland
Dike, Les Boucholeurs
Redesigned flood protection system, Hamburg Port (20th c.)
Relocation of dike, Nordkehding, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Relocation of dikes, Krautsand and Asseler Sand, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Construction of sluice and pumping station, Alsterfleet, Hamburg (20th c.)
Adjustment of fairway, Lühe and Stadersand, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Increased capacity of sewer/drainage system, Marbella
Flood barrier, Lühe, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Groin, Les Boucholeurs
Beach nourishment, Les Boucholeurs
Increased capacity of sewer/drainage system, Paris
Dike reinforcement, Land Hadeln, Lower Saxony, (20th c.)
Dike construction, Glücksatdt Nord (20th c.)
Construction of sluice and pumping station, Bullenhausen, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Dike construction, Cranz, Hamburg (20th c.)
Combined measures, Schleswig-Holstein, Seestermüher Marsch (20th c.)
Safety margins in new investment, River Neckar, Baden-Württemberg
Detention basin, Marbella
Bluebelt Project, New York
Wetland restoration, Danube Delta
Continuous deepening of the tidal Elbe to 13,5m under MTnw with time, Tideelbe, Hamburg, Schleswig- Holstein, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Fairway adjustment, Elbe river, Schleswig- Holstein, Lower Saxony(20th c.)
Safety margins in new investment, San Diego
Shore replenishment, Schleswig-Holstein (20th c.)
Building elevation, Hafencity, Hamburg
Sustainable urban drainage systems, Marbella
Construction of flood protection walls and sluice, Cuxhaven, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Flood barrier and dike, Stör, Schleswig-Holstein (20th c.)
Flood barrier, Este, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Flood barrier, Schwinge (Stade), Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Redesign of flood protection system, Hamburg (20th c.)
Sluice, Gose and Dove Elbe, Hamburg (20th c.)
Construction of storm surge/flood barrier, Lühe, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Construction of flood barrier, Freiburger Hafenpriel, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Construction of Seeve flood barrier, Wuhlenburg, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Flood barrier, Oste, Otterndorf, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Increased capacity of sewer/drainage system, Thames, London
General plan - dike reinforcement, dike shortening and coastal protection,Marshland, Schleswig-Holstein (20th c.)
Afforestation, Ancient Olympia, Ileia
Dike, Bützflether Sand, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Aquifer recharge, Maldives
Aquifer recharge, Veurne Region
Bypass channel, Bisagno River, Genoa
Dual use of recreational and flood control measures, Ceres, California
Stormwater harvesting, Australia
Combined sewer overflow, Helsingborg
Multi-functional flood defences, De Stadswerven and Westflank, Dordrecht
Dual reservoir function, New York
Floating houses, Maasbommel
Flood gate, Prague
Flood hazard mapping, Manila, Ho-Chi-Minh, Bangkok
Flood control dam, Rapentosa, Attica
Dike relocation, Rhine river basin
Rotterdam Water City 2035, Rotterdam
Vulnerability Assessment, Zealand