Case study: Bypass channel, Bisagno River, Genoa

Description of the application

Most of the Italian rivers and torrents are not able to carry the discharge with a return period of two hundred years without flooding their flood plains. This is the case also for the Genoa’s torrents and streams here under consideration. The Bisagno river is not able to safely drain the discharge with a return period of fifty years, producing inundations in the urban area of the city. This is well recognised and described in the flood prone areas maps attached to the Basin Plan of the Bisagno torrent. The Bisagno Basin Plan identifies a number of hydraulic structures and maintenance works to be performed. In first place among the major structures we will find a diversion channel for the Bisagno River. The completion of this work will provide full safety against the discharge with a return period of two hundred years. The the cost of the work is 165000000 euros and this work is ok for a possible funding.

Implementation cost

Estimated financial cost for the implementation of the measures, given as a cost range.

Flood management measure

Which flood management measures have been applied? Multiple measures may be specified.

Impact of floods

What is the impact of floods AFTER the measures are implemented? Multiple impacts may be specified.


Country in which the application (case study) is located. In case of a transboundary application multiple countries are specified.

Responsible authority level

Level of Responsible Authority.

Last modified: Sept. 12, 2016, 7:22 a.m.