Case study: Increased capacity of sewer/drainage system, Thames, London

Description of the application

London is consulting on a € 6 B scheme to build a 39km tunnel of 7m diameter at a depth of nearly 80m beneath the river Thames. It will track the course of the river from west to east London allowing the associated drop shafts to intercept combined sewer overflows on both banks.

Implementation cost

Estimated financial cost for the implementation of the measures, given as a cost range.

Flood management measure

Which flood management measures have been applied? Multiple measures may be specified.


Projects from which information has been harvested. Multiple projects may be specified.


Country in which the application (case study) is located. In case of a transboundary application multiple countries are specified.

Responsible authority level

Level of Responsible Authority.

Last modified: Sept. 13, 2016, 5:02 a.m.