Managed realignment or managed retreat allows an area that was not previously exposed to flooding by the sea to become flooded by removing coastal protection. This process is usually in low lying estuarine areas and almost always involves flooding of land that has at some point in the past been claimed from the sea. Coastal realignment is often part of a policy to provide more effective sea defences or restore wetlands.Co-benefits and impacts
Managed realignment can significantly reduce the cost of providing a given level of protection against coastal flooding and erosion. Intertidal zone attenuate incoming wave energy, meaning that waves reaching the shore are smaller in height and less powerful. This is advantageous as it may mean hard defences are not required, or if they are necessary, that they can be of reduced height and strength. Additionally, managed realignment delivers many benefits to landscapes, wildlife, and people. The wetlands created through managed realignment open up new areas of land that are magnets to birds, animals and plants. The wetlands are great for walking and bird watching and attract many visitors.Comments uses
Land uses in which this measure can be applied.
Case studies
Synonym of Flood management Measure
Last modified: June 29, 2020, 12:18 p.m.