Case study: Combined measures, Karlstrup Mose, Denmark

Description of the application

Flooding occurs in the surrounding residential areas when marshes are filles and hydrologic inflows exceed the drainage capacity of the existing surface drainage system.


A combination of solutions are implemented, such as: • Implementing new drainage paths through the marshes and a new outlet to the sea • Improved drainage of Karlstrup Mose creek • Dikes, and new culverts

Implementation cost

Estimated financial cost for the implementation of the measures, given as a cost range.

Flood management measures

Which flood management measures have been applied? Multiple measures may be specified.


Country in which the application (case study) is located. In case of a transboundary application multiple countries are specified.

Responsible authority level

Level of Responsible Authority.

Last modified: Sept. 12, 2016, 9:54 a.m.