Flood management measures

Flood gate

The Rokugo floodgate, located in Ota Ward, Tokyo, Japan
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These barriers are made of a single or pair of rigid sections (usually steel or fibreglass), designed to close a gap within a flood defence. They a...

Multi-functional flood defences

Multifunctional flood defences.Opportunities in the Netherlands (Ellen Tromp, Msc. CE PA,2014)
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Multifunctional Flood Defences (MFD) is a newly developed concept to optimize allocation of urban space rather than constructing stand-alone struct...

Multi-layer safety as a central concept for flood protection

Multi-layer safety, prevention, sustainable spatial planning and disaster management © Beleidsnota Waterveiligheid 2009-2015
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The central concept for the revised water safety policy is formed by 'multi-layer safety'. In this concept safety is assured through multiple layer...

Flood management measures

Name Definition
Flood gate These barriers are made of a single or pair of rigid sections (usually steel or fibreglass), designed to close a ...
Multi-functional flood defences Multifunctional Flood Defences (MFD) is a newly developed concept to optimize allocation of urban space rather than constructing stand-alone structures. ...
Multi-layer safety as a central concept for flood protection The central concept for the revised water safety policy is formed by 'multi-layer safety'. In this concept safety is assured ...