https://www.hamburg.de/contentblob/3281680/1822cf666737349331ec6e88b8e2ce58/data/sturmflut-in-hamburg-1.pdfCase studies
One or more case studies to which this source is related (if applicable).
Flood barriers, Nikolaifleet and Herrengrabenfleet, Hamburg (20th c.)
Excavations of Schwarztonnensand, Hamburg (20th c.)
Flood barrier, Schwinge (Stade), Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Construction of sluice and pumping station, Bullenhausen, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Adjustment of fairway, Stadersand, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Adjustment of fairway, Lühe and Stadersand, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Hydraulic fillings: Hollerwettern-Scheelenkuhlen, Vorland Glückstadt, Fährmannssand, Hanskalbsand until Neßsand, Hetlinger Schanze, Bützflether Sand, Schwarztonnensand, Pagensand and Giesensand (20th c.)
Last modified: July 8, 2020, 3:21 p.m.