https://www.hamburg.de/contentblob/3281680/1822cf666737349331ec6e88b8e2ce58/data/sturmflut-in-hamburg-1.pdfCase studies
One or more case studies to which this source is related (if applicable).
Dwelling mound concept, Hafen City, Hamburg (21st c.)
Hydraulic filling of islands, Tidal Elbe, (20th c.)
Adjustment of fairway, Lühe, Lower Saxony(20th c.)
Construction of flood barrier, Billwerder bay, Hamburg (20th c.)
Redesign of flood protection system, Hamburg (21st c.)
Building of 60 polders in the port area (private flood protection), Hamburg (20th c.)
Construction of pumping station with sluice and two weirs, Kuckuckshorn/Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg (20th c.)
Part backfilling and Port restructuring, Mühlenberger Loch, Hamburg (21st c.)
Redesigned flood protection system, Hamburg Port (20th c.)
Adjustment of fairway, Lühe and Stadersand, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Flood barrier, Lühe, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Continuous deepening of the tidal Elbe to 13,5m under MTnw with time, Tideelbe, Hamburg, Schleswig- Holstein, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Redesign of flood protection system, Hamburg (20th c.)
Construction of storm surge/flood barrier, Lühe, Lower Saxony (20th c.)
Last modified: July 8, 2020, 3:16 p.m.