Flood management measure: Creation of a second dike line


A second dike line is created by building other dikes, mostly bigger dikes, on the water side of existing dikes, which will not be removed. Building of new and bigger dikes can be necessary due to e.g. increased storm surges activities (higher water levels, more frequent occurrence of storm surges). The newly built dike provides the protection against the storm surges. The still existing dike is then referred to be the second dike line (or summer dike) and provides a further protection by creating an additional volume that can be flooded.

Co-benefits and impacts

Gaining additional protection by creating a flood plain and gaining of grazing land area.


Approaches which this measure follows.

Measure type

Type categories with which this measure is related.

Problem types

Problem types for which this measure can be applied.


Scales to which this measure can be applied.

Time scale

The timescale with which this measure is related.

Land uses

Land uses in which this measure can be applied.

Flood management measure

The parent measure, in terms of this measure being a subcategory of the parent one

Last modified: Nov. 28, 2019, 9:49 a.m.