Flood management measure: Cascading flood compartment system


The “system of cascading flood compartments” combines area prevention with constructional solutions. The idea is to (re)build a second dikeline of polders behind the primary dike, thereby creating a system of different compartments. Polders are low lying areas enclosed by embankments or dikes. In the case of a dike overflowing, the system diverts the water to the hinterland
(Knieling J. and Schärffer M., 2011, p. 8).

Co-benefits and impacts

A failure response strategy to contain the flood migration in case of levee overtopping with the objective to gain time for emergency response and to reduce the consequences of flooding of the hinterland (Pasche E. et. al., 2008).


Approaches which this measure follows.

Measure type

Type categories with which this measure is related.

Problem types

Problem types for which this measure can be applied.


Scales to which this measure can be applied.

Time scale

The timescale with which this measure is related.

Land use

Land uses in which this measure can be applied.

Last modified: Sept. 19, 2016, 6:20 a.m.