Tool: Hydro_AS-2D


HYDRO_AS-2D is a versatile and reliable software for the 2D simulation of watercourses and the surface runoff of precipitation. It is based on the numerical solution of the shallow water equations using the Finite-Volume-Method. HYDRO_AS-2D provides script-driven simulations: Thus, model data can be changed, queried, output or read in during the simulation. Therefore, very complex control processes can be modeled in water management systems. HYDRO_AS-2D has a wide range of applications including: River flooding analysis Heavy rainfall analysis/ urban flash flood modeling Sediment erosion/depositions studies in river channels and floodplains Tidal wave propagation Pollutant dispersion in a waterway



Technology readiness

Technology readiness level giving an estimate of the technology maturity of the related tool (see <a href="/l/TechnologyReadiness/">all levels</a>)

Last modified: July 14, 2020, 1:33 p.m.