CAPRA-Flood is a simple tool for determining flood hazard. It uses rainfall data produced by the module, CAPRA-Lluvia, and hydraulic calculations, which are performed by a link to HEC-RAS. It takes multiple factors into account, such as mean velocity, depth, and rainfall, and also includes uncertainties. Its use of the HEC-RAS calculation engine makes it a fast and rather simple tool for evaluating risk and return periods based on precipitation data. For basin analysis, it calculates rainfall data based on geographical data (provided by simple shp files) and PADF (precipitation, area, duration and frequency) curves, which should be provided as txt files. A short manual is also included, which explains the theoretical background and the functionality of the program. Once there is output, the vulnerability module (CAPRA-Vulnerabilidad) allows computation of modifiable inundation depth fragility functions. CAPRA-GIS is used for the quantification of the loss based on the input hazard set for a particular exposure. The software is in both Spanish and English.URL
Programming language
Technology readiness
Technology readiness level giving an estimate of the technology maturity of the related tool (see <a href="/l/TechnologyReadiness/">all levels</a>)
Tool type
Last modified: June 17, 2020, 9:58 a.m.