Comprehensive river network modellingMIKE HYDRO River is our new generation river modelling package - successor of the world-known MIKE 11 river modelling system. MIKE HYDRO River is top quality river modelling, covering more application areas than any other river modelling package available. It enables you to model a variety of tasks related to river hydraulics, water quality, flooding, forecasting, navigation as well as catchment dynamics and runoff.
If you are familiar with MIKE 11, you will appreciate the giant leap in user experience and workflow improvements in MIKE HYDRO River. You can feel confident that MIKE HYDRO River is the perfect and safe choice for your river modelling projects.
MIKE HYDRO River is the ideal software for:
Real-time flood forecasting
Dam break analysis
Reservoir optimisation including complex structure operations
Ecology and water quality assessments in rivers and wetlands
Flood analysis and flood alleviation design studies
Water quality forecasting
Sediment transport and long term assessment of river morphology changes
Salinity intrusion in rivers and estuaries
Additionally, optimal river modelling solutions often require integrated modelling, in which the river model interacts with surrounding flood areas or groundwater. MIKE HYDRO River is perfectly suited for fully integrated applications by seamless model couplings with MIKE FLOOD and MIKE SHE.
Technology readiness
Last modified: June 12, 2020, 12:30 p.m.