Flood management measure: Unused sewers


Many towns and cities have large numbers of unused sewers. It is often too expensive to remove them. Giving those unused sewers a second life for retaining precipitation may be a simple option for realising a precipitation reservoir in an existing situation
(Urban Green-Blue Grids for sustainable and resilient cities, accessed on Sept. 2016).

Co-benefits and impacts

Reduced cost due to the utilisation of existing infrastructures.

Definition (GR)

Πολλές πόλεις και κωμοπόλεις έχουν μεγάλο αριθμό ανενεργών αποχετευτικών δικτύων. Είναι συχνά πάρα πολύ κοστοβόρα η αφαίρεσή τους. Η παραχώρηση μιας δεύτερης ευκαιρίας σε αυτούς τους ανενεργούς υπονόμους για τη συγκράτηση της βροχόπτωσης μπορεί να είναι μια απλή επιλογή δημιουργίας μιας δεξαμενής βροχοπτώσεων στην υπάρχουσα κατάσταση
(Urban Green-Blue Grids for sustainable and resilient cities, accessed on Sept. 2016).

Co-benefits and impacts (GR)

Μειωμένο κόστος λόγω της αξιοποίησης των υφιστάμενων υποδομών.


Approaches which this measure follows.

Measure type

Type categories with which this measure is related.

Problem type

Problem types for which this measure can be applied.


Scales to which this measure can be applied.

Time scale

The timescale with which this measure is related.

Land uses

Land uses in which this measure can be applied.

Flood management measure

The parent measure, in terms of this measure being a subcategory of the parent one

Last modified: Feb. 24, 2020, 7:02 p.m.