Case study: Οριοθέτηση πεδινής κοίτης Γιόφυρου, Περιφερειακή Ενότητα Ηρακλείου, Κρήτη, Ελλάδα

Description of the application

Οριοθέτηση πεδινής κοίτης Γιόφυρου µε φορέα υλοποίησης ΟΑΝΑΚ το έτος 2003 και σύµβουλο µελέτης κ. Σάββα Παρίτση (αρ. 1460/22-6-2004 απόφαση Γ.Γ. Περιφέρειας Κρήτης, ΦΕΚ 780 ∆’/02-09-2004) ∆ΗΜΟΣ ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟΥ/ ΟΑΝΑΚ

Flood management measure

Which flood management measures have been applied? Multiple measures may be specified.


Country in which the application (case study) is located. In case of a transboundary application multiple countries are specified.

Responsible authority level

Level of Responsible Authority.

Action types according to the Management Plan

Which action types have been or will be applied according to the Management Plan? Multiple measures may be specified.

Type of measure according to the Management Plan

Main type of the applied measures according to the Management Plan

Implementation phase according to the Management Plan

Nature of the application according to the Management Plan

Nature of the actions according to the Management Plan

Ranking according to the Management Plan

Estimated time horizon for the implementation of the measures

Last modified: June 25, 2020, 3:04 p.m.